Club de lecture française - Petit Pays, 22nd June, 8pm
Join us for our second French language book club event at Night Owl Books on Thursday, 22nd June, at 8pm.
We'll be meeting in a small group to discuss contemporary Francophone novel Petit Pays by Gaël Faye - en français! This prizewinning novel was highly recommended by booksellers in Paris, and I'm looking forward to discussing it with the group!
Purchase a copy of the book for a free spot at the book club (while spaces last!), plus a cup of freshly brewed tea or coffee to enjoy as we meet and chat about the book in French.
Select 'local collection' to pick up your copy from Night Owl. Alternatively please select a Royal Mail option, and I will ship a copy to you.
Quelques informations sur le livre:
Avant, Gabriel faisait les quatre cents coups avec ses copains dans leur coin de paradis. Et puis l'harmonie familiale s'est disloquée en même temps que son « petit pays », le Burundi, ce bout d'Afrique centrale brutalement malmené par l'Histoire.
Plus tard, Gabriel fait revivre un monde à jamais perdu. Les battements de cœur et les souffles coupés, les pensées profondes et les rires déployés, le parfum de citronnelle, les termites les jours d'orage, les jacarandas en fleur... L'enfance, son infinie douceur, ses douleurs qui ne nous quittent jamais.
Softcover, 224 pages, published 2017.
- What level of French is the book suitable for?
I'd recommend the book for anyone with around A-Level experience of the French language. We'll try to stick to speaking in French throughout the book club where possible, but the aim of the group is to provide a supportive space in which to enjoy reading and practising speaking in French - and the question 'comment dit-on en français...' is very much welcome!
- Where will we be meeting?
The event will be held at Night Owl Books, 1 Bridge Street, East Linton, EH40 3AG.
- We'd like to attend as a couple and share a copy of the book - is that possible?
Of course! Please let me know by writing a note when adding the book to your cart, and you can pick up one copy of the book from Night Owl and receive a credit of £7.90 to spend on another book of your choice.
A note on Covid precautions: if you can, please take a lateral before attending as a courtesy to other attendees, and if you feel unwell on the day, please err on the side of caution.